
Thursday, February 16, 2006


Like I said below, I love surveys.

Almost every day the Wall Street Journal (subscription) has an opinion question. The results are often surprising. To me anyway.

Take today's question.

"Should Internet companies refuse to do business in China because of the government's censorship?"

Yes or no?

I said 'no'.

I am an old man and was brought up on the idea that the russkies and red chinese were oppressive regimes.

Has anyone heard anything different lately?

Mao lives.

So, I don't think we ought to help them be more oppressive.

Interestingly, the other readers of the WSJ begged to differ with me; 59-NO to 41 YES. They are business types and, I suppose, amoral.

Or, they would say that doing business with the chinese (should that be capitalized?) could 'win them over' to 'freedom and democracy'.

I have another older and wiser man response to that one: "In your dreams"!

I even have a better, more businessy, reason. These bastards will rip you off! They will steal the technology the minutes they an get their hands on it.

How's that for minding the store?

Maybe I will make the daily question a daily thing with the blog. It is a big part of my day; to see how I am out of step with the rest of society. At least the WSJ part.

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