Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I don't hunt.
I am against hunting as sport.
Maybe if you need to kill to eat.
But, as I get it, these guys were shooting at quail that were pen raised, many of which cannot fly.
Many more don't fly because they think that the people are bringing them food.
When they fly they don't fly very high. They don't want to miss the food.
No wonder the dick was aiming low.
ANd that is only the beginning of it. When they get the bird shot, many do not die on the first shot. Many are alive when they are gathered.
Yes. Birds feel pain. They thrash about.
It is not pretty.
These sick fucks shot 700 of these birds in their fun shooting.
They went to the shooting site in cars and got out to shoot.
There is some indication (of course) they were drinking. Why did they bar the sheriff from the ranch when they showed up at night.
Where is Cheney and why hasn't he made a public statement?
What about all the jokes while this guy is in the hospital ICU and could die?
And what is so funny about killing and maiming and hurting these birds? For the amusement of fat rich old men?
What a bunch of sick fucks.
I said that.
Well we knew it before. Further confirmation.