Saturday, February 18, 2006
I saw
again today after thirty years and it still buzzes.
I actually shouted once.
I was alone with Franklin who jumped too.
It is Spielberg's second big film so he is still innocent and clear.
You know that I do not like what he has become. The maker of 'serious' hits.
There is not a lot to say. Everyone saw it.
Interesting note that Peter Benchley, the guy who wrote the book, died the other day.
The film has the great Robert Shaw as the fisherman/drunk character and he does ham it up wonderfully. They say that he wrote his own long speech about the sinking of the Indianapolis.
He died youngish too.
I liked it. It still bothers me, though, that they tarted up the Nantucket beach with cabana tents for crissake. And other things.
I will give it a 4 out of Netfix5 because it did induce the yell out of my mouth 31 years later, on a smallish screen, in letterbox shape, with sun in the room because it was cloudy when it started and I didn't want to get up to pull the blind.
I don't do 'pause'.
Here is some kid that made a model of the best scene. See how big the drops on the boat windows are? And it is way out of scale. But, that is how it feels when he comes to get them.

I actually felt bad for the shark having to put up with this shit.
I know that eating people is not the best behavior but there were a lot of times that I was rooting for the shark.
Early on when those guys come out and throw a roast beef off the pier and the shark pulls the pier down, I was rooting for him.
I wanted him to get the guy when he makes the u-turn and brings the floating dock back to the shore. He missed. Too bad.
I also was really kinda happy when he managed to swallow Robert Shaw. I was getting tired of the emoting.
I guess that I have become a bona fide animal hugger. Even when the animal isn't cuddly and nice.
Even when the animal is a contraption of foam and gears.
So be it.
I didn't like that they blew him up. Couldn't they just cut him loose and shoo him away?
Probably not.
His fate was written when he ate the innocent little kid; the second victim.
I was rooting for him on the the first swimmer because I knew we needed to get the plot moving. It sure did get moving That bastard drug her around the bay a lot of times before gulping her in.
Anyway, it is over and I won't have to watch the film for another 31 years or try to interpret the ethics of a great white on the prowl for various and sundry humans, innocent or not.