Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I got thinking.
Right there, we know we might be in trouble, huh?
There are two more reasons we should support illegal immigrant education at any level.
First is that it enriches the culture to do so.
We have a multilayered, mostly Mexican, Latino community here. At the upper economic and educational levels there is a lot of mixing with Anglos in every day work and society.
It is invigorating.
There is also a lot of prejudice. Not invigorating.
I know that some question the social theory that better education fosters diversity and that diversity is a good thing.
Here, it is not a theory. It happens every day. Better education equals less crime and social cost; greater social enrichment and better relationships.
The second reason for YES is that it is the right thing to do.
There is a cost in providing 'free' or low tuition education. But, in a sense, illegals have already paid for some consideration in working for less than minimum wage, without medical insurance, and in an economy that winks at the law for the convenience of the system.
That is enough for me.
I am glad that I started writing about the QOTD in the WSJ.
It makes me think more about the issue.