Wednesday, February 15, 2006
We are still working on the final steps of the Medicare D signup. All good news.
Our plan got accepted my Medicare. Or, we got approved by Medicare to buy the plan.
It took two months from the time of our application to Blue Cross but I guess that is a normal time expectation. They have been dumped on.
Well, put it another way. They were not prepared to be dumped on. Only the relatively sparse enrollment has saved them from a total bureaucratic drowning.
To review. We signed up with the first million or so people in December for a January start.
We signed with an old 'friend', Blue Cross. It was in the middle price range of the forty plans available, its formulary covered all our present drugs, and our little non-chain drugstores are in their network.
We actually got out cards a few days prior to the first.
The cards were good. The first drugs we got were OK'd (except for my Allegra—another story) and we paid our 30.00 co-pay. We are already saving money.
There was a little hassle in getting our old plans to drop the drug portion but that is in the works and should be cleared up by March. We will be getting some money refunded because I paid ahead.
Oddly, we have yet to receive our first billings for the Medicare D.
Yawn. Zzzzzz. I know.
But some people who read this have not yet signed up. Others have parents who are thinking about it or in the middle of things.
Maybe we are lucky but it all has gone as well as I could have expected.
To those of you not in the plan, thank you. You are paying for most of our drug costs and we appreciate it. They are as happy pills as pills can be happy.