Monday, February 27, 2006
Today's NYTimes Best 1176 Film was tough to watch:
There is no imagining what the people who lived it went through.
The story is well known. A NYTimes correspondent has Cambodian assistant. Their story is told against the background of the 'non-war' in Cambodua and the ascendancy of the Khmer Rouge.

The impact of the film can only be had by watching it. I can't really describe it very well.
It is full of the fog of war. The best war films are those where confusion reigns and the 'plot' is very difficult to follow. This is realism. Eventually the story sorts itself out.
Cambodia was another one of those disasters waiting to happen with the USA igniting the fuse that blew the situation all to hell.
Nixon is shown. He sounds like bushie.
We are the auteurs of destabilization. All hell breaks loose and we claim victory.
No one shows the horror and pain of so many people who are caught in the middle of our meddling.
And so on.
I missed this when it was around and now I am glad that I saw it.
I will give it a 5 out of Netflix5.