Friday, February 17, 2006
Today's WSJ question is more of a survey.
How has your home's value changed in the past year?
There are six choices ranging from lost a lot to gained a lot.
We are in the top category. Most respondents gained a lot or a little. Very few lost.
It is a no brainer here. We live in Riverside County in California. It is the fastest rising population and real estate value. Also the highest building rate.
The new construction has not slowed the inflation of value; yet.
But, there are signs of the market softening.
So, it softens.
We are not going anywhere. At least, not around here.
To get our money out (four times what we paid at last count) we would have to move to some burg in North Arizona and, even then, we would probably draw a crowd.
We have managed to be in the first wave on the back of Beacon HIll, then the South End in Boston. Finally, here in PS.
We have been fixer-uppers until we got here and we always picked out property to fix just before the wave hit. There was some intent to it but, for the most part, we lucked out.