
Thursday, February 16, 2006


These are the headlines off of today's Reuters headline email:

Pressure over Guantanamo rises - The United States on Thursday came under mounting international pressure to close its Guantanamo prison, with U.N. investigators saying detainees there faced treatment amounting to torture.

Rice grilled over Iraq rebuilding - With water, sewer and electricity services below prewar levels in Iraq, a leading Democrat told U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Thursday that patience was waning over the pace and cost of rebuilding efforts.

Iraq seethes after new abuse footage - New images of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison prompted Iraq's president to condemn his close ally the United States on Thursday, demanding harsh punishment for "savage crimes" as Iraqis seethed over more humiliation.

Judge orders response on eavesdropping recordsWASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal judge on Thursday ordered the U.S. Justice Department to respond within 20 days to requests by a civil liberties group for documents about President George W. Bush's domestic eavesdropping program.

I was worried that the bird-shot incident would crowd out the important stuff.

Guess not.

And as a bonus, off the Reuters; the Republican dominated Katrina committee blasts him and his gang for first doing nothing and then doing it badly.

The shit just keeps piling up.

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