Thursday, February 16, 2006
I am thinking of taking the net magazine Slate off my links and off my daily reading.
My daily net tour is an ever changing 'organism'; sites come, sites go, sites change order.
Sometimes, I just get tired of the same old same old. Jesus General was like that. I started out with guffaws and ended with yawns.
The same with The Borowitz Report. A one trick pony. Hook two seemingly paradoxical headlines together and write a sketch.
Sometimes the authors change. Wonkette is a good example. Two guys took over from Ana Marie Cox who was, to put it mildly, a oner. It and they are not the same.
Now, we have Slate. Formerly a rebellious outpost in the Microsoft (god I hate to even type the name) empire, they began to lose their edge when Michael Kinsley left. Now, they have been sold off to the Washington Post and, as predicted, the edge is gone.
At the same time that Slate has waned, Salon has waxed.
I am reading them a lot more.
Today they have the new Abu Ghraib pictures and story. No one else here has yet printed them.
Salon determinedly leftish and, of course, I like that.
I get enough of the right wing from the NYTimes (just kidding, sort of) and Andrew Sullivan.