Thursday, January 26, 2006

The humming birds returned today.
They have been away on their annual migration south to Mexico. The go there to get the warm weather, the nice flowers, and, most importantly, to mate.
We will see the eggs here in the later spring.
Incidentally, we do not feed the hummers. No solutions of sugar (bad) or honey (probably bad). It is not only bad nutrition for them but it creates dependency which often leads to non-migration. Hence, too cool weather, no mating, and little exercise. Bad for people too; come to think about it.
A fed bird is a dead bird.
And, this morning, when Franklin and I went out to pee (he does the actual peeing), I heard the mourning doves. They have been away too.
We welcome them back but do not become attached as they are primarily hawk food here in the area close to the mountain.
We will have a pair, there will be eggs, then some babies then 4 or 5 doves and then—poof—a pile of feathers in the lawn.
At the most we can have four couples, one on each side of the house. At the least, one. I guess he or she couples with a neighbor. They are never gone gone. Only partially gone.
We do not feed the doves either but not out of principle. They are probably short lived whether they are coddled or not.