
Thursday, December 29, 2005

NEW YEARZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

My holidays are over.

I do not do 'new year's day'.

It is all artificial anyway. A trick of the calendar.

I used to stay up to await the stroke of midnight--way long ago--20 years? But, there was no payoff. A tired day after. Years before that, a hangover.

If you don't drink—I do not— there is no buffer against feeling shitty as the hours go by waiting for the ball to drop, the fireworks to go off, the light show to begin or whatever else people use to stimulate themselves for the effort they made to stay up in the first place.

Stimulus—response. Pigeons and corn. Mice in the maze.

I didn't even stay up to see the 'turn of the millenium'. Remember that? All that shit that was supposed to happen to the computers? What a bust that was. Even that wasn't worth waiting up for.

And that is just the eve part of the holiday.

What about the 'day' part. Well, here, the people who stayed up have a point. The NYD is a real snoozer. Oh yes. Football?

Nope. I have nothing against men in tight suits and headgear but I could think of a lot more interesting things for them to do than run a ball into the end zone. Well, unless you are speaking metaphorically.

Now, I just take the turn of the calendar as an administrative task. We have two hard copy calendars in the kitchen. One is an airedale calendar and is pretty to look at. More about the pictures than the dates.

The other is a small cardboard standing calendar which is just like the ones my folks got from their insurance man when I was a kid.

We will take one down and put up another. Twice. Ta-daaaah!

Since the day turns automatically on my watch and computer nothing to do there.

Of course after the day I have to remember to put the '6' at the end of the date line when I write a check. That is a bit of adrenaline.

Oh. Another thing. There are two NYD's this year. A second one in in case the first was not boring enough. The biggest thing about that is that there is no mail.

See? My holidays are over.

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