
Monday, December 19, 2005


I finally finished the second volume of the Inheritance Trilogy by Christopher Paolini. It is called Eldest. It keeps you in the dark about who or what is the eldest until the very end. It is quite a revelation.

In the meantime, the story is a wide and deep exploration of the coming of age of its hero Eragon. It is a traditional sorcery and dragons spectacular.

This is a kids' or young adults' book. Like Harry Potter, it has attracted a large adult audience. It is fresh, compelling, rich in detail of a strange world, and is one hell of a good story.

For us, the main draw was the dragons. We love dragon tales.

You can see all about this bright young author at his website Alagaesia.com. That's the name of the country Eragon lives in.

This guy started the book when he was 15. He got an audience by self publishing and was taken up by the larger publishing world. He is now an international phenom; age 21.

There is even a movie, Eragon, now in post production, for release in 2006.

I hope he is not too busy to get the third volume done. We are on tenterhooks.

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