
Friday, December 16, 2005


Long term blog readers will remember the grocery chain strike we had here in SoCal almost two years ago; or not.

I remember.

Not to hold a grudge, but I still do not shop at my old Von's (Safeway) market and rarely, if ever, at Ralph's (Kroger) where the Union went back to work (after awhile) as it was 'only' a lockout there.

I continue to shop at the SoCal chain Stater Brothers (union friendly-so far) and I still have a stop order on any Safeway or Kroger stock in my portfolio.

Now, comes a long anticipated ruling by the Feds and a lawsuit against Raph's.

Ralph's Indicted in Hiring Dispute

All we need now is for The Safeway president, that bastard, to get dumped. I still would not go to Von's though.

Why all this stuff?

My first jobs were in grocery stores. My Dad was a union member at A&P (after being a manager for many years). He would arrange a bolt of lightning if I shopped with the scabs.

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