
Thursday, December 15, 2005


Last year, bushie said he had earned a lot of political capital in the election. Doubtful at the time; it now looks as though he has used it up.

He has caved to McCain on the torture ammendment; admitted, in a weasley sort of way, that he was wrong about Iraq intel (although he stands tall on all the other stuff).

He came up with the cash to fix the levees in NOLA and has to defend himself against charges that he is the bubble boy. Says he does read a newspaper everyday. Wonder which one.

He is weakened.

Incompetence, venality, mendacity, hackery, and religious demagoguery has gotten his ass.

It is still amazing how long he made it last though. The machine is formidable.

But, I quibble.

It is nice to see some movement in an otherwise rock solid know-it-all personality. If only a cynical and minor PR adjustment. Except for the torture thing which the dick has been fighting so strongly, nothing is material. Even the levee money will come out of the hides of the poor, the sick, and the elderly. The usual GoOPer trifecta.

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