Sunday, November 27, 2005
Having enjoyed Typee, I am half through with Melville's Omoo and am hooked on Herman.
So, I started to think ahead and got the whole list of 'works'.
I figured I would go through them one by one chronologically; all the way to Billy Budd which was not printed in his lifetime. Not by a long shot; 1929.
Then, I saw the American Library Edition; three volumes.
They are now Amazonned and on the way.
I am in for the long haul.
There is a strong homo-erotic tinge to Melville which is quite attractive. He is not naive. Sailors were and are not, as a rule. That gives it a bit of an extra tang to a lot of good reading.
I am about half way through the second volume of the Eragon Trilogy. It is as good as the first. I am going slow, though. The third volume is not even on the list to be published. A long wait for the finale.
But, we did it with Harry, we can do it with Eragon.