Sunday, November 27, 2005
We are long term users of Nutrasweet™ or its generic equivalent.
Recently, discovering that Splenda™ now captures 51% of the market, we realized that we had somehow fallen on the back of the wave.
I hate to miss anything.
So, I brought some home and, whaddya know, it is somehow better. Smoother, more gentle, more sugary.
I am not so sure that I like more. There is a longer taste. It doesn't go away right away.
But John likes it and that is enough for me.
I like the idea that it is made out of sugar. I read up on it. Of course, it is sugar that is bent and twisted to the nth degree.
You know, there is a long, long controversy over artificial sweeteners; mostly, arising from the mice who were loaded up with cyclamate back in the old days.
There was a carryover that tainted the Nutrasweet™ introduction too.
Now the tradition continues with Splenda™.
I am not going there.
If it kills us, well fine. We won't be fat.
I mostly posted this info as a cultural note.
One, we are now among the majority. Having missed the early wave, we conform.
Two, we are trying to have our cake and eat it too. Well, not cake. Just the other stuff we can stick the artificials in.