Thursday, October 13, 2005
One of the thrills of rising in the early morning (330 AM) is to hear the night sounds.
And no sound is more thrilling than the sound of whoo-( )--whoo--whoo. The blank is the missed note in a four beat measure. One whoo and then a space followed by two more whoo's.
It is the neighborhood owl.
I hear him about three times a year which makes it even more thrilling. Chills.
We see him sometimes flying over. Once, I saw him in a tree two streets over.
He is a big bugger. A wide wingspan and a grey belly.
I think that it is a Common Barn Owl.
First, they are indigenous to the Southern California deserts and second, get this, we found a feather the night before on the dog-walk! Franklin picked it up.
A big feather. Long and white with a black striped tip.
Who? Who. Who. Look at this picture. Long white feather!
Barn owl for sure.