Thursday, October 20, 2005
So I had the tooth out today and it was not painless.
You have to get all the infection out for that to happen and I didn't.
There is no way to know until you are in there.
I went to a dental surgeon. He is a good guy. Very high tech. The prep is amazing. Awesome gadgets. Lots of staff.
But, when you get right down to it, it is the same deal as Dr. Mullen doing it alone in his house/office in 1949.
You shoot in the novocaine or whatever and then you wait.
Then you lever and pull.
In my case they drilled or sawed or something and then pulled.
There was some pain. But it was a clean pull and there will be no side effects.
That is a prayer not a prediction.
I am OK. I have pain pills; non narcotic Toradol. I have penecillin to get the rest of the infection. I have gauze pads for the, uhhhhh, bleeding. Are you still with me?
It is OK. I don't think we will be able to see the gap and I will still be able to chew on that side.
They rush you out of the office for some reason. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. No time to stop and chat.
OK with me.
I was going to put a photo up but you should see the images for
at Google images. I will make it voluntary.