
Thursday, October 13, 2005


We made the switch yesterday from post- to pre- dinner dog walking.

This is always a big adjustment for the pooch as well as the people.

First of all, there is sun!

In the summer, we always wait for the sun to go down and the air and pavements to cool.

Of course, the air and pavement are cool already. It is autumn.

But, this does not seem to affect Franklin's attitude. "We don't walk in the sun".

We will get through it.

For the people in the house, it means prepping dinner , then walk, then finish the prep and eat.

It is easy to postpone blog writing, reading, fooling around to apré meal.

Not the dog stuff though. Last night Franklin came looking for his walk after supper. How do you explain? I ran him in the yard with his soccer ball and then came in and we did some more stuff.

Displacement activity.

We will all get used to it soon though.

Daylight savings will be over and it will be sundown at 4 (our mountains give us early sunset) and all will be right with the world.

It is hard to change a dog's or a man's routine.

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