Friday, October 28, 2005
I watched Fitzgerald's press conference today on C-Span net.
He is my hero. He sure looked good.
He made a great pitch about how perjury and obstruction are major crimes. "Truth is the engine of the legal system". I think that he managed to pre-empt the spin in the GOoPers talking points. He even mentioned them.
The indictments are not isolated events about distortions of fact. They tie together. They say that Libby concocted a story and repeated it several times. Heavy duty.
Fitzgerald looks clean as a whistle. He is very canny guy. Fast on his feet. Very smart.
I don't know about the indictment. I wouldn't want to be looking at five counts. Libby is looking at up to 50 years depending on how you count it.
I don't think that anyone expected five counts; to say nothing of the 'story line' bit.
Of course Libby is innocent until proven guilty. We heard only about the indictment; not the case.
This is going to go on and on and on. You could not get closer to Cheney.
Fitzgerald is not done. It will fester and boil. The bitch Ann Coulter says it is the worse thing that could happen to them. She said 'us'. Boy, I am glad she is on their side. Finally the right has harridans too.
I am going to sit back and await further results.