
Saturday, September 17, 2005


We watched the second Garbo film today and it was much 'better' or easier to watch.

Camille (1936).

Garbo again with the handsome and studly Robert Taylor directed by the ace homo-in-chief George Cukor. We have seen and will see a lot of his films in this series.

Garbo glows. The accent is lighter. It is 5 years after Anna Christy. John says this is a much more apt part for her. Dunno. She sure stands out. Even the dying is great to watch.

The story is a classic so it is hard to put a spin on it that moves the viewer but I was moved. We know how it is going to turn out but somehow that doesn't make any difference 'when the time comes'.

It is interesting that this is another one of those 'double standard' films. Camille is a 'kept woman' and therefore cannot be seen with the gentleman who loves her. There is a wedding to show us how it 'should' work and Lionel Barrymore is on hand in a short part to lecture Camille and explain how, if she loves her man, she should turn him away. He is decent and she is not.

I think that they were still doing this in the 30's, so it has/had modern significance. I am not sure we use the word 'tramp' today. I am out of touch with the current societal limits living, as I do, in the land of the sybarites.

I will give this a 4 out of Netflix5.

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