Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Bushie is turning up the wheedling, whiny thing that will soon be making him a wimp like Carter and Ford.
We are all going to drive less: President Calls for Less Driving to Conserve Gas.
What is next? Wool sweaters? Carter got his nuts in the vise over his energy crisis and the lecturing he did to the country. How do you spell 'malaise'.
In addition to the Carter-ish whine, I am reminded of the Gerry Ford WIN button; whip inflation now. Another PR fiasco.
The worm is turnin' folks.
I have an idea! Why not cut down on flying that fucking plane all over the country looking for photo ops?

Mr. Bush's comments, while similar to remarks he made shortly after the disruption from Hurricane Katrina pushed gasoline prices sharply higher, were particularly notable because the administration has long emphasized new production over conservation. It has also opted not to impose higher mileage standards on automakers.
In 2001, Vice President Dick Cheney said, "Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue, but it cannot be the basis of a sound energy policy." Also that year, Ari Fleischer, then Mr. Bush's press secretary, responded to a question about reducing American energy consumption by saying "that's a big no."
"The president believes that it's an American way of life," Mr. Fleischer said.
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