Saturday, September 17, 2005
Crisis today with the bicycle tire pump. Phlaghhhggghhhhhgssshhhh. When I pushed. Air out the bottom of the pump housing. Heat. Summer, Fucked.
And you know, it only lasted two years because I got it when Franklin was just a pup. He had to stay in the car while I went into the store. It did not help that I parked in front and he could see me. Made it worse. Since then, he goes with a sitter or doesn't go if there is in-store time.
Back to the pump. I wasn't happy with the gadget that set on the valve. It seemed better but wasn't.
Before that I had a Trek and it had a lever set. The one that just broke has a turn-screw kind of thing.
So, what did I get?
Mine is red. Look, it has the window set at the top of the pump. Great for a geezer's eyes.
Look, it has the lever arm to seal the connection with the tire valve.
Look, it has a thing for soccer ball inflation and another thing to inflate rafts.
I got a great sales pitch from the young man in the store. The
Where we got our Schwinn one speed coaster-brake bikes. All four of them. I also notice that Lance is wearing my crash helmet on their site! Giro. Holes.
Anyway, for me, a new tool is a big thing.
I get all pumped about it.