
Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Here it is; real fast. The item lost in the Blogger jam.

I realized, along the line, that while I could look at a lot of photos and read about people being displaced and lost I had a hard time when it came to pictures of dogs on rafts and stories about dogs isolated and starving. I don't even want to write about it.

That somehow, the horror distilled into a small, tight, gnarly bit when I considered the animals who had been displaced, lost, abandoned, and injured by the storm.

I would turn the page or scroll the screen so that I did not have to look or read about it.

I caught on to this when I read about another person who had the same reaction. Then another, and another.

So, I did what I learned to do. Pop into action. I sent some money to the PETsMART Charities.

Incidentally, according to the Charity Navigator, this is one of the most efficient charities that exists and for pets for sure. A lot of the traditional organizations are way top heavy with administrative load.

So, while you are sending off to the other people oriented charities, remember the animals!

Time is of the essence. These little guys are in deep trouble and need help fast.

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