Wednesday, September 14, 2005
While we are on columnists and the LATimes; there are big doings on the editorial page of our daily national paper.
They fired Mike Kinsley as Editor of the editorial section.
He did not go quietly: Kinsley Leaves The Times
I like Mike but I did not like what he did to the weekday editorial page or the Sunday commentary section.
I cannot be specific but I do know that I read the op-eds a lot more before he got there than I do now. They are mostly limp.
He made a lot of cosmetic changes and they had to do with type and borders and, as usual with these things, it was just different and not an improvement.
The one thing he could have done was to fire the execrable cartoonist Michael Ramirez; a flaming asshole with an ultra right wing twist.
So, we readers wish Mike well and hope to see him in a more lovable capacity.