
Monday, September 19, 2005


I came up (or maybe down) with a sore, really sore, foot last week; the outer insole sort of; the outer arch.

I had to curtail my walks with the Airedale for a few days. It hurt.

I couldn't figure it out. Was it a bruise? A broken bone?

No. I didn't go to the doctor. Not yet. I was not done self-diagnosing.

I just couldn't remember doing anything to it. No stones walked on. No 'hits' to my foot.

But today, I figured it out. I think.

Every personal trainer I have ever worked with emphasized form. Do it the right way and you will not hurt yourself. Good form is the prophylaxis of good mechanical health.


You know, I have been pumping up hills. The only change in my routine on the bike.

Today, I was pumpin' it and suddenly realized that I had let my foot slip on the pedal so that the arch was doing the pushing.


I had been taught a long time ago to pedal from the toes. Didn't know why. Now I got it.

I fixed that one quickly enough.

The foot had gotten better. I had not done the heavy pushing for a few days. Uh-huh.


We will keep the foot OK.


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