
Monday, September 19, 2005


I am not sure that you will understand this but it has finally gotten cool enough to use the pool on a regular basis.

In the desert's hot hot months the pool is a plunge and out for cooling. The water is warm and what makes you cool is the very dry air.

The other thing is that it is so hot that you don't want to linger. Feet burn on the tile surround. Long raft rides, floating in the sun, getting a tan are just not done. You gotta keep turning over and over to stay cool.

So now, with the temperatures in the 90s and the water in the 80s and the air still very dry in the 10% RH range, we have the conditions for rafting and sunning and some swimming back and forth and back and forth.

I am one of the few people who had a dermatologist who ordered regular sun for my skin. Not only are all the preparations bad for the skin itself, some think the lesser of two 'evils', but I tend to chronic excema or dermatitis. The rays kill it.

Don't let me get started on people's fear of the sun; the use of chemical glops directly on the skin.

There is no universal rule about it. I suppose that most people need to be careful and some more than others. If you want to go outside you glop up. But there is still the chemical risk. They don't avoid testing that shit on animals for nothing.

Like everything else, moderation rules.

I do use sun-block on my upper outer right arm; the butterfly tattoo which still sports its four colors after all these years. Well, fifteen maybe.

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