Saturday, August 13, 2005
I just paid 40.00 for under 3/4 tank of gas. 3.99 a gallon. 10 plus a little more gallons.
OK. My friend, Lynda in London, would laugh. They have been paying this and more for years.
Now it is our turn.
See, I figure that it isn't just about the reserves. It is also about keeping it cheap enough that people will buy it but still buy it. The tipping point on price.
We are being tested.
According to the LA Times, it hasn't tipped yet. There is a bit less driving going on. But not on mass transit. Just bikes and walking where the car is really not needed in the first place.
Well, it all counts.
We aren't driving much less, and if we are, it is not because of the cost.
We aren't really using less electric or gas either.
Fill 'em up.
Somewhere there is a limit but it is not for us. It is for the other guy. Like those commuters.