Saturday, August 20, 2005
I bike about 100 miles in a good week.
But I wear none of the gear. Just a red and yellow hi-vent helmet.
It starts with the lycra. All that pressure down there. Ugggh.
Then the shirts and the silly stickers on them. No. I do want to be seen, but a white tee is just the ticket.
I had not thought much beyond these items. Certainly not about the sox! I wear a tasteful white and grey Thurlo anklet.
But look at this. Dave sent me this photo entitled "The Joy of Sox".
These are worn by cyclists? Lance? Do they wear these to psych each other out? Do they stop aside the road and admire one anothers' anklets?
In any case, I am thinking that this is one item of bike-wear that I might look into. I like the Ches and the red hot peppers. Well, the skull and x-bones aren't bad either.