Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Kevin Drum at Political Animal has this:
THE NEXT PRESIDENT....I haven't been paying close enough attention to this, since the next presidential election is still 39 months away, but there sure are a lot of people who appear to be actively running for the Democratic nomination already. Off the top of my head, here are the people who have either said they're considering a run or are routinely talked about by the press:I know it is too early but I want to be prepared. Let's go down the list.Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton
Bill Richardson
Evan Bayh
Wes Clark
John Kerry
John Edwards
Who have I missed? And is it my imagination, or is this awfully early for so many people to be in serious contention?
Biden's head is so big it is a wonder he can hold it up. He is dead meat.
Hillary. Maybe. The lore is that Senators can't make it but she was nearly POTUS. That middle of the road move is putting me off. We need a, say it loud and proud, liberal! There is the family connection but she is not near-Bill enough for me.
The near-Bill is a real Bill; Richardson. I am getting all interested in him. He is a governor;good. He is a pragmatic progressive. Outspoken. Combative. A great record. UN Ambassador.
Evan Bayh who? Unknown senator.
Wes Clark. Too late for generals.
Kerry blew it.
And Edwards has no qualifications beyond his accent and his hair. He does not currently even hold office. A one term senator. Sorry.
So, it is Bill and Hill as far as I am concerned.