Thursday, July 21, 2005
I am pretty much of the same mind as Neal Pollack on the Supreme guy:
Meanwhile, President Bush has nominated the whitest man in America for the Supreme Court. If I were an anti-abortion timber company executive, or a brainwashed automaton, I would consider John Roberts (whose name sounds like it should belong to a protagonist in a bad Bruce Willis action movie), a fine nominee. But instead, I'm an abortion-loving athiest with Jew blood. George Carlin is the only nominee who would really satisfy me. Those odds are long.I am more pro-choice with a strong anti-christist streak and a gay rights hard on. George Carlin seems fine to me too.
John Roberts is one of those two-first-name guys you went to school with. He is a member of the club; handsomely blank. He is another family retainer willing to step into the breach; a compromise. But he is poppy's guy not georgies.
For my money, he is a good candidate for becoming another Souter or Kennedy. That is OK with me.
The ones that scare me are crazy vengeance seekers like Thomas or zealous egoists like Scalia.
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