Thursday, July 21, 2005
Someone has finally caught their measure:
Cirque du Soleil—Canada's insane clown posse.
We have seen a lot of them including Verekai from which we had the same sense of befuddlement. I counted it as the last of my Cirque experiences; OD.
It sure lasted a long time with us. Now we are in the state of 'not going'. Not going to see the Vegas skin show or the into the sand show and certainly not going to the Beatles show planned for next year. OD meets OD.
The idea of this article is to dissect middle brow culture but I think it rather has the effect of showing that a lot of so-called middle brow culture is pretty good.

You can sniff at the Cirques if you want but there is nothing else that has held our attention so long.
I remember when we overdosed on the Julliard Quartet. I remember having enough of certain divas. We got over going to England.
You can only do so much stuff whether it is high or middle or low.
Anyway, back to the Cirques. I think I began to be disillusioned when I found out that the lyrics to all the sung music in the shows were nonsense syllables and had no meaning at all. I would have been glad to have not-understood French or Bulgarian for that matter. Somehow not understanding nonsense was more of a shuck than I would like to have done to me.