Sunday, June 26, 2005
So we have another WWII film today but not really. We watched the Best 1176 Film The English Patient (1996).
We did not see this when it was around for some reason.
I think the reviews were mixed and in those days there was no way I would go see a film that took as long as this one does; 161 minutes. I forget why I had this bias. It might be that I was brought up on the 90 minute standard or it was just too long to go without a smoke or, perhaps, I just was too antsy and impatient. A character defect that I still hang on to.
Nevertheless I sat through this and got two hours before I took a pee break. That is the other thing. I would need a trolleyman's friend in a real movie house.
Why am I going on like this? So off the subject.
Because the film is indescribably wonderful and layered and complex and defies easy summary. It is based on memories in fragments. And it is a puzzle. It has been said that it is too complex for one viewing but I think that is not the case. We both got it. But you do have to work with it.
It is based on a book that I could not get through. If I remember, I tossed it across the room after about a tenth had been worked through. Like I said, impatience. Good, they made it into a film. Compared with the book this was easy.
I am not a big fan of actresses per se but this film has two who I like a lot: Kristin Scott Thomas and Juliette Binoche.
Then there are the men headed by Ralph Fiennes. Oddly, he does not make my heart sing, but he is a great actor and is beyond excellent in this.
I am going to give this a 5 out of Netflix5. That should be enough. I do not have to describe the indescribable.