Saturday, June 11, 2005
Imagine trying to balance 8 main characters and about a dozen subsidiary ones; large crowds; an immensely detailed group of sets; a complicated story which is half-well-known and carry off a fast moving, easy to read, fully satisfying film experience.
You gotta hand it to John Sayles. He has made some very good off-beat pictures and this is no exception: Eight Men Out (1988) shows us the White Sox World Series scandal in human terms.
Ebert (the link) didn't like it for all the reasons that I did. I am OK with that. He seems to want a messy situation to be laid out in big bold letters. You will not find that here. In fact, each player goes down for different reasons. Some reconsider. It is not a simple matter of blanket corruption.
The actors are pretty good. No stars. All were second level players at the time. They play well together. The baseball scenes are convincing. The extravagant attention to the period is very rewarding.
I liked it and will give it a 4 out of Netflix5.