
Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I went to the ophthalmologist's office today. (Don't you love that word? Did you know it had the -ph- in it?)

It was an annual checkup. Everything is 'fine' in the eyeball health department. The vision has actually improved. I am becoming less nearsighted!

By the time I am dead I will have 20/20!

Good news, bad news, unfortunately. That means that the correction in my glasses is no longer 'correct'. Actually, it has not been exactly correct for a few years.

My last glasses were three years ago. There has been a 'small change' three times. That now adds up to mean a large change in correction.

That means one hell of a lot of cash for new glasses.

I was asleep while all the 'improvements' came in; all those extras.

There is coating; there are better plastics; there is shining of the edge; there are titanium frames; and this time, there is (I was sold on) the continuous/no bifocal lens. No more pigeon-head correction for reading and computering.

I decided to go for it. I tried it many years ago and dumped it after a day (back when you could do that) but the guy convinced me the technology was a lot better. And one should give it a few weeks not a few hours.

And, of course, we need to have sunglasses and they must at least aspire to be fashionable.

The funny thing is that each of these improvements cost something. It adds and adds and adds. I can remember when glasses cost...........oh never mind.

There goes the budget for this month. Broke the bank.

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