Sunday, June 12, 2005
I have been taken to task for omitting the name of John Cusack from my appreciation of Eight Men Out and worse, to state that there were no 'stars' as Cusack is clearly at least a near-star although he did not star in this picture. It was really an ensemble kind of thing.
He did stand out!
As he always does.
He is the almost good guy who gets swept up in the scandal; they prosecuted the entire starting team.
That aside, let us examine the word 'star'.
In many ways, today's 'stars' are shameless, overpaid hacks when compared to actors like Cusack who regularly comport themselves in excellent fashion in a wide variety of parts.
While our John relies to some extent on a consistent persona, as some stars do, he does act proficiently; if not to say consummately. He is top notch.
And the consistent persona is always pleasing; a bit ironic, sense of humor, intelligent. He's not an airhead like Cruise or a little bit dimmer like Pitt or a brute like Crowe who, while being consistent, are about as shallow as you can get.
Well, maybe Crowe isn't shallow so much as a nasty piece of work. (More letters coming now).
Let's put it this way. I would not miss a Cusack picture while I would gladly miss the above named 'stars' vehicles and do, on a regular basis.
There, have I made amends?
After all, I am one of the few who was out there with him and the boom-box in Say Anything.
I am happy to see that he is 'in production' playing Torvald Helmer in A Doll's House in Norway.
Imagine Tom Cruise as Torvald. Can't be done.
Cusack=Actor. Others=stars.