Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I have waited for a long time, 32 years, to see The Exorcist (1973).
Now I can check it off my list.
I think that it is one of the NYTimes 1176 Best Films because it rings all the bells of its genré but that doesn't make it particularly a good film.
There are a lot of plot holes. Or missing pieces. Why does it start in the desert? What about the stuff the exorcist finds in the digs there. How come it is such a small world that he is the one called to clean out the mess. And all that.
It is like misdirection. The effects keep us from asking questions like 'why this kid'?.
The other thing is that they hired big stars to cover it.
I like Ellen Burstyn. That was a good casting decision for the mother. Max von Sydow was hamming it up as the exorcist. Not good. The walk through by Lee J. Cobb, a cop, is totally useless to the plot. He offers peace and tranquility. It is a sort of Colombo character who does nothing to advance the action. But he has so much good business and we are so happy to see him, it distracts from the central action.
Troubled priests. What a concept. They all look like they are over the edge. Even the higher ups.
I liked it and didn't like it.
I didn't find it scary but I admired the technical stuff. Partly this is the trouble of 'hearing about it' over the years. I have to say that I am still a lot more upset about seeing William Dafoe get his thumbs chopped off the other day than I am an hour later after seeing Linda Blair vomit pea soup.
I am going to give it a 2 out of Netflix5 so that they don't put stuff like this in my 'recommendations' algorithm.