
Friday, May 20, 2005


As a devout Netflix user, I am disturbed that that awful Blockbusters and Wal-Mart have been playing chicken on prices, disrupting a fine growth of a fine company.

Sure, I believe in healthy competition but I also get to vote on whether the competition is worthy or not.

Blockbuster censors films, directy or indirectly, through their inventory policies and by banning 'explicit' covers. They do not carry any gay films or anything close to what they consider pornography. Their definition is wide and deep.

Wal-Mart on the other hand is just Wal-Mart. A despicably capitalist user of resources, a waster of the landscape and local business, and an exploiter of third world labor. I will stop with those modest charges. I could go on.

So nice to see that they have thrown in the towel to Netflix for on-line movie rentals. I could not be more pleased.

Sure, Reed Hastings is a capitalist too. But a nice one. He imagined the concept and brought it into being. An entrepreneurial hero. Here he is gloating. Good to go Reed.

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