Saturday, May 14, 2005
I have been hit with a wave of the 'remember whens'. I am not normally prone to this kind of thing.
As a rule, I don't look back.
But, someone wanted to see what we looked like when we were first dating; thirty years ago!
So, I went and dug out a lot of pictures. We have four boxes of the 'antique' type film pictures. Remember them? I went and got them out.
Two boxes are architectural. Two are personal. There are a lot of photos. Many of the touch off a lot of memories of people who are and are not in our lives; of events that I remember but not at the top of my mind; of places that we had been. One of the boxes is all trips. We sure got around to a lot of places. Nice.
It doesn't exactly make me feel old to look through them nor do I get particularly sad about people, places, and things that have passed under the boat. I just get a little weezy about the memories and all.
Aging is sort of a shock, looking back. It is a mixed message. In some ways I have gotten better and then in others, well.
Early on, I had very little muscle mass. I was a reed. Then as I started to pack it on and worked out, you can see the biceps and all blooming. On the other hand, I didn't have the small pot down there in front that I do now.
I look at John and see him go through the same changes and it is very hard not to compare us then with us now. If I did, we would come out pretty good in the comparison.
Of course, no one can project what he or she is going to look like ahead of time. I never bothered. I don't think that I am going to bother a lot with how I looked behind me either.
The memories are there and nice to revive and then to put away for another time. Life is for the living now.