
Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Home by 12 noon today.

I sat and watched the jury get formed from the first random 24 people they called up.

No one asked me what I thought about anything.

It was interesting to some extent; certainly better than sitting for hours waiting for 'the call from the courtroom'.

They sort of smush the one-day, one-trial service thing around. If you are called later in the day, once the pool is formed, you do have to go back a second day to continue the selection process. I suppose that is a trial, not a day. It is OK.

I am done for a year or more. They are enforcing the jury summons more and so the larger pool is growing. They actually go and arrest people. They get community service or a fine.

Sometimes you have to bludgeon us to do public service.

Interesting sidebar. They basically removed anyone with any attitudes about drugs, pro or con, off the panel. There were some relatives of addicts and some who had their own history. All were challenged on the preemptory. I would not have sat had I been called, as I would have been frank about my own history and my ambivalence about criminalization.

So they ended up with a bunch of people who don't know much about the subject at all. I suppose that makes them objective? That was a question mark.

I am not supposed to talk about the trial. Is this talking? Another question.

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