Saturday, April 30, 2005
There is so much aristocratic suppression here that the villains of the piece do all kinds of nasty acting out before they are caught out at it. This beautiful film, today's NY Times Best 1176,
Dangerous Liasons (1988)
by Stephen Frears is great fun to watch and funny, in a nasty way.
I normally resist costume movies. It always seems to bring out a lot of ham in everyone. While this is no exception, the emoting is pretty good.
John Malkovich and Glenn Close do quite well as the older, more manipulative acting out-ers. Michelle Pfeiffer, Uma Thurman, and Keanu Reeves (very very young) are the, sometimes willing, victims.
There are great supporting roles for Swoosie Kurtz, who I adore in any film, and Mildred Natwick. Natwick was a regular on early, live television drama and had quite a career. She was always a favorite of mine since I was a kid.
Aside from the story itself, I really liked watching this movie. It is sumptuously presented.
It is nice to see the denouement. It is old fashioned in that there are just deserts for the overly pious and the nastily inclined.
I will give it a 4 out of Netflix5.