Thursday, April 07, 2005
In the TMI department today, we have this from the LA Times:
An Alternative to Embalming For Pontiff.
Actually, it answers a lot of questions that I had about the week long mourning orgy. What happens to the corpse as it is 'laid out' there for the million person walk-by? Not pretty according to this article.
This pope didn't want to be embalmed so they are pumping formaldehyde into the body every day. And so on.
Ghoulish? Macabre? Morbid? Yes. Idolatry? Probably but I am not a moral scholar.
Like the Python's dead parrot, the pope has gone on and on and will go on through today and then will be put into a three part box and put under.
There. All you ever wanted to know about dead popes and what happens to them.
Oh. There is a sad sidebar story about the guy whose family has embalmed the popes for damn near forever. He was not called for this one. Jilted.