Sunday, April 10, 2005
You may have heard about our faded movie star governor. Sorry to show the emperor's clothes but there it is; or isn't, actually. The photo has been going the rounds. No pump, no star vehicles.

When Arnie got elected it was touch and go whether it was a total genius move by the electorate or the biggest bonehead mass hallucination that could have happened.
Some indication of which was signaled in Maria's interview on her 'best friend's' show Oprah. She said that she just wanted her man home with her and the kids and that politics has turned out to be all consuming. Duhhh, she is a Kennedy, ain't?. It should be noted that he is said to work only four days a week. That makes three days with Maria and the kids.
Next, Arnie withdrew his big plans to destroy CALPERS, one of the world's largest and most (liberally) influential pension plan/stockholder. He had already seen the activist chairman banished.
Now, we see that even more may be fading than the big muscle's reputation as a movie star. He might just be a one term governator.
This from the LA Times today. I know that all our readers across the country are just dying to know how the hummer-head is doing.
Governor Making a Quiet Retreat.
Well, none of us are quite what we used to be. But it is only about a year. Jeez.