
Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I went to My Pyramid, the new USDA food pyramid revision. The old one is over to the right.

Now you get to put in your age, gender, and physical activity to get your own personal food pyramid.

The lines were jammed.

But, once it came through, I was quite impressed with the results. They are very specific and, I think, helpful.

I have pretty good nutrition and meet most of the standards but there were still a few eye openers.

It is obvious that this whole scheme depends on net technology for it to work. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, the people who most need it, may not have access to it; poor, elderly, and of course, the clueless.

There are already some debunkers as there always are. I personally regard the USDA as fairly reliable in its basic work. Sure, the have 'industry' people on their neck; but there are a lot of health advocates as well. It is probably a fair balance.

The fact is that people are generally very badly informed about food, period. In the long ago, I studied Food Technology so I have a bit of a leg up. Anything that gives people the basic information to make some healthy choices has to be a good thing.

I suggest you give it a try. If only to check out the technology. You might just find that you need to drink a little more milk, or less.

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