Wednesday, March 16, 2005
There seems to be a lot of upset over the videos being put out by the government as objective news and the recruitment of 'journalists' to do fake presentations.
I am not at all surprised that this is going on.
How shocking can it be when lying and press manipulation at the macro level has been so apparent for so long?
Of course the MSM* would not really report on this level as they are the perps as well as the patsies. A funny dual role which no one would really want to confess.

It slinks in from the other side as well. The media works both sides of the fence without any complicity by the government. And I do not mean the ham fisted efforts of the Fox people. Fair and balanced. I mean the day to day omissions and elisions of all the MSM who report in the interest of balance but really are mouthing the corporate line of their owners.
Do I like any of this? No. But I am not shocked. It is, after all, quite human. Not our best side, but human nonetheless.
Somewhere I have read that is common to hide a bad motive under a good one. Well, how common has all this shit become? It has been nationalized.
*Main Stream Media