
Monday, March 14, 2005


I have been staying out of the political shit for awhile.

I was getting too much on me.

But there are some encouraging news items that make me think there still might be hope with the dope.

From DailyKos:

We're the majority
by kos
Mon Mar 14th, 2005 at 07:31:27 PST

Bush's approval ratings on Iraq:

AP/Ipsos poll. 3/7-9. MoE 3.1%
Approve 45
Disapprove 53

Gallup. 2/25-27. MoE 3%
Approve 45
Disapprove 53

The Neocons are still trying to paint anyone who opposes Bush's war as "out of the mainstream", but it is they that are falling increasingly out of it.

And from DailyKos again:
Bush's social security support drops further

Washington Post. 3/10-13. MoE 3%. (1/31 results)
Do you approve or disapprove the way Bush is handling social security?

Approve 35 (38)
Disapprove 56 (55)
Those numbers are surprisingly similar to the most recent AP/Ispos poll.

Ipsos. 3/7-9/ MoE 3.1% (2/22-24 results)
Do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling Social Security?

Approve 37 (39)
Disapprove 56 (56)

We are winning this battle. Any Democrat who thinks we should compromise is blind. The GOP won't keep at this for much longer. The political danger is too high.


While we are at it, that homunculus Tom Delay sinks deeper and deeper. This also from DailyKos:

"Hot Tub" Tom ("The Hammer", "Bug Man") DeLay's on his way down, baby!

WaPo writes about DeLay's mounting troubles.

I love this quote:

"If death comes from a thousand cuts, Tom DeLay is into a couple hundred, and it's getting up there," said a Republican political consultant close to key lawmakers. "The situation is negatively fluid right now for the guy. You start hitting arteries, it only takes a couple."

In the last few weeks:

Delay tried to shield himself from the deluge by making the House ethics committee his puppet, but the flood came anyway:

The National Journal reported that DeLay may have violated House ethics rules when a Swift-Boat/USA Next lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, shelled out $13,000 for DeLay's stay at the London Four Seasons hotel

Raw Story revealed that DeLay has taken a huge London trip funded by an anti-Social Security lobbyist org connected to the SVFT

Two Sundays ago, CBS's "60 Minutes" aired a 12-minute segment reminding a national audience that a Democratic district attorney ("Being called vindictive and partisan by Tom DeLay is like being called ugly by a frog") in Austin is continuing to suggest he might indict DeLay as part of an investigation of the involvement of money from DeLay's Texans for a Republican Majority (TRMPAC) (scandal overview here)

On Wednesday, a front-page story in the New York Times said documents entered as evidence in a civil trial in Austin "suggest that Mr. DeLay was more actively involved than previously known in gathering corporate donations for" the committee

On Thursday, DeLay admitted to the Houston Chronicle that he actively raised funds for TRMPAC

On Thursday, The Washington Post reported that DeLay (and some other Rs and Ds) accepted trips from the Korea-U.S. Exchange Council, which had registered as a foreign agent, in violation of House rules

On Saturday, the Post reported on another London trip by DeLay, this time funded by gambling interests and Indian casinos (with the help of Abramoff)

The Post reported today that Rep. Lamar S. Smith (R-Tex.), one of the ethics committee's new members, was co-host of a 2002 fundraising breakfast to benefit TRMPAC

The New York Times reported today that DeLay's been pullling in massive donations to his legal defense fund, with tens of thousands of dollars coming from corporations indicted in the Texas DeLay investigation

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