Thursday, March 10, 2005
It is almost impossible not to fall into reading about and then following, almost involuntarily, the latest developments in the Jackson case. I go through the Reuter's email headlines and there he is, wan and shaky, being made to show up in court in an hour or lose 3 million dollars. The judge is no softy.
While I do get sucked in and have a lot of the detail committed to memory, I have no intention whatsoever in paying any attention to this circus; this over-exposed travesty. That isn't Michael I am talking about here. I mean the trial coverage and all. I just get sucked in. Don't I? You don't think that I am as gossip prone as anyone else, do you?
But, you know, child molestation is a very serious thing. In the underworld it is considered the very worst thing. The whole thing is beyond gossip. It is pedophilia out front in bold letters. No matter how it turns out, he is in deep shit.

We have all the spectacle out here. There is Robert Blake, whose jury is still out. Remember Electra Glide in Blue? he was also a child star.
We have the three kids who allegedly raped a girl on a pool table with a pool cue and bottle and filmed it. She is getting the grilling so far; not the boys. They do not need to testify as they are the accused. Funny rules. It is all whether she allowed it or not. There is no question that they did it.
There is Phil Spector who is coming up for trial soon. We had Scott Peterson and Kobe and no one will ever top that OJ.
Even with no-teevee you can't get away from it. The national press picks up on it and it is all over the internet. I do have to say that the Los Angeles Times somehow manages to stay in balance and not overdo it. I suppose because they aspire to be the best paper in the US. They are close already.
Personally, I have no stake in Jackson and I am more than happy for the wheels of justice to grind slowly and correctly. The guys at the gym notwithstanding, I do not believe that he is guilty as hell. I just figure he is close to culpable. Time will tell.