Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Yes we are in the 'd's'.
But we have had to go back in the alphabet to look at some NYTimes 1176Best Movies; new issues on DVD. Today's new release:
Bringing Up Baby (1938);
Howard Hawks' comedy starring Kathryn Hepburn and Cary Grant.
It is the ur-text for screwball comedy. It has great supporting actors like Franz Feld, Walter Catlett, May Robson and Charles Ruggles to say nothing of a younger Barry Fitzgerald. The dog is played by the famous cousin to Franklin, Asta.
These are all actors who used to thrive on the studio system. You would see them over and over and actually look forward to their appearance. I once knew the names of hundreds of character actors. Catlett, for instance, has 140 credits and that is before teevee.
It is all good. What is most astounding is that it never stops; breakneck speed. The dialogue and action, if slowed down, would add 50% time to the actual 102 minutes. And you can hear every word. More than can be said about some of today's 'product'.
I will give it a 4 out of Netflix5.