
Saturday, March 12, 2005


I grew up on Salvador Dali's antics. He was a very public artist appearing in all media. He was a master of self promotion. His personna was whacko and yet, just behind the wildness, you could see a wink.

At the end, he stayed in the limelight just a little too long and began to border on the pathetic. It is the great danger of these too-public times.

The first time I saw a painting of his in 'real life' I was bowled over. His works almost always reproduce as 'illustration'; flat and hard to see as 'real art'.

In reality, as in the case of all good art, the reproductions are but pale reflections. The works were simply incredible. Perhaps the first paintings that I was bowled over by.

I have to admit to a bit of uncertainty here. Was I bowled over because they were good or because he got me at the audacious level? I guess this ambiguity is part of appreciating Dali. If I gave a shit about being right or wrong it would vex me more. I am really in the 'I know what I like' category of art appreciation.

I am not the only one who is caught in this mild dilemma. There is this feature in Slate. The question of Dali's place in the arts pantheon remains: Salvador Dali—Artist or Kitch-meister?. There is a slide show with some good writing that takes us through the Dali career. Again, reproductions. But differently presented. An appreciation.

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