
Thursday, March 31, 2005


See: Pope's 'Living Will' Wants Life Support to the End.

I have a question, please.

Well, two. But one is from John.

Here it is.

If the pope wants to be kept alive by artificial means, right to the end, what does that say about God's will?

All those plugs and tubes. Is that in the bible? Thou shalt have as many tubes as you can take to stay alive?

Or, conversely: Thou shalt have no other tubes before me?

John's question is: If heaven is such a great place and only the good go there, how come the religious want to hold it off for so long?

Poor Ms. Schiavo, God rest her soul, had to wait fifteen years.

I suppose now we will have to do the daily watch on the pope. Another 'right to life' spectacle.

I wonder what waits in the wings. Whoever it is could not be worse, could it? The puff of white smoke.

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